Fact Check: Ukraine Does NOT Prohibit The Hospitalization Of People Of Draft Age

Fact Check

  • by: Lead Stories Staff
Fact Check: Ukraine Does NOT Prohibit The Hospitalization Of People Of Draft Age Granted Care

Was planned hospitalization of people of draft age banned in the Ivano-Frankvisk region in Ukraine? No, that's not true: the deputy head of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Military Administration, Vitaliy Ilchyshyn, denied the information about the ban on men's hospitalization without the military's approval. The Regional Defense Council considered such an issue, but it was not adopted. There can be no restrictions on hospitalization for citizens without a direct order from the Ministry of Health. Otherwise, it is a violation of constitutional rights and freedoms.

The claim appeared in a video (archived here) published on TikTok by @kralbohu on June 22nd, 2023. It opened:

Due to the huge losses during the counter-offensive in Ukraine, unprecedented measures for general mobilization are being introduced. In the Ivano-Frankivsk region, planned hospitalization of people of conscription age without the permission of the military administration has been banned. In addition, the hospital must inform the military administration every day before 11:00 a.m. about the hospitalization of conscripts who needed urgent help.

This is what the post looked like on TikTok at the time of writing:

(Source: TikTok screenshot taken on Wed Jul 5 06:44:46 2023 UTC)

The misinformation started spreading after the head of the Kolomyia District Military Administration, Lubomyr Hlushkov, announced that the Regional Defense Council decided that men aged 18 to 59 would no longer be subject to planned hospitalizations without the permission of the military commissariat. The TCC put forward the initiative (TCCs are territorial recruitment and social support centers. They are military administration bodies that ensure the implementation of legislation on military duty and military service, mobilization training, and mobilization.) However, the Regional Defense Council did not pass a decision on the prohibition of hospitalization. The Department of Health was only tasked with working out and preparing its decision - to ban or not. During the legal regime of martial law, it is forbidden to limit the rights of citizens regarding health care and health care provision.

Ilchyshyn said that there is allegedly a problem when conscripts, having received an assessment from the Military Medical Commission on their fitness for service, try to avoid being drafted by going to a hospital "with old diseases," which, in his opinion, is why the initiative was discussed on June 13th, 2023 at the Defense Council.

"The decision is currently being worked out, and the opinion of healthcare institutions is being studied. It will be based on compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine, and there will be no human rights violations. Consultations are held with the military and lawyers. We sent letters to healthcare institutions to get their opinion. Undoubtedly, human rights will not be violated. Hospitalization will be without violations," said Volodymyr Dzombak, the interim Head of the Department of Health of the Regional State Administration.

  Lead Stories Staff

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